BlueCielo Meridian Project Portal 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About custom properties > Creating, editing, and deleting custom property sets > Creating, editing, and deleting custom property definitions

Creating, editing, and deleting custom property definitions

Custom property sets can contain multiple property definitions. You may add property definitions at any time. However, we recommend that you exercise extreme care when modifying or removing existing property definitions. The maximum lengths of properties are listed in Maximum property lengths.

Tip    Once you have opened a property definition option page, you can create, edit, and delete property definitions without returning to the property definition list page. Simply select an existing property definition from the list on the property page, if necessary, and click the appropriate button.

To create a custom property definition:

  1. In the Settings view, expand the name of the workspace in which you want to create the property definition and click Custom properties. A page listing the existing custom property definitions appears.
  2. In the Custom properties section header, click New. A page appears that lists the available property definition options appears.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Property definition options
Option Description

Field code

Type a unique code to identify the property definition. The property definition list shows the code in parentheses after the property definition name. This code is used to sort the properties within the property set on the property pages. For example, a custom property definition with the code 110 is displayed before a property definition with the code 120.

Field name

Type a name for the property definition as you want it to appear as the label on property pages.

Field type

Select one of the options described in Understanding the custom property types.

Field calculation

If Field type is set to Calculated, select a calculation from the list.


The value, if any, is inherited from the parent folder. Not supported by the Date or Calculated property types.

Clear on version

Deletes the current value when a new revision is created.


Select an option to specify if and how multiple values are separated in the Values text box.


Type the values to be used when Field type is set to Pop-up menu, Radio buttons, or Select list. Separate values as specified by the current Multivalue setting. Do not use any spaces. Values are sorted alphabetically. To specify a different order, prepend numbers to values, for example, 0-Please select urgency,1-Urgent,2-High,3-Normal.

  1. Click Create. The page refreshes to show the new property definition added.

To edit a custom property definition:

  1. In the Settings view, expand the name of the workspace in which you want to edit the property definition and click Custom properties. A page listing the existing custom property sets appears.
  2. Select the property set that contains the property definition that you want to edit and click Edit fields. A page appears that lists the existing property definitions on the left and the property definition options on the right.
  3. Select the property definition that you want to edit and click Edit. The page refreshes to show the property definition's current options.
  4. Select or type options using the descriptions in the preceding table.
  5. Click Save. The page refreshes and the options are empty.

To delete a custom property definition:

Warning    If you delete a property definition from the workspace while the workspace is still active, all existing values for the property are removed from the workspace.

  1. In the Settings view, expand the name of the workspace in which you want to edit the property definition and click Custom properties. A page listing the existing custom property sets appears.
  2. Select the property set that contains the property definition that you want to edit and click Edit fields. A page appears that lists the existing property definitions on the left and the property definition options on the right.
  3. Select the property definition that you want to delete and click Delete. A confirmation page appears.
  4. Click Yes, delete field. The page listing the existing property definitions appears with the selected property definition removed.

Related concepts

About custom properties

Related tasks

Creating, editing, and deleting custom property sets

Moving and copying property definitions

Adding and removing custom folder properties

Adding and removing custom document properties

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